Learn Our Prayers
Learn Our Prayers
New to Jewish services, or studying for your bar/bat mitzvah? Use the detailed information on this page to become familiar with the parts of Friday evening and Saturday morning services.
The page numbers show where to find each part of the service in Siddur Lev Shalem. Recordings of the prayers, when available, are highlighted in the table. Prayers marked with a star (*) indicate that the prayer requires a minyan. Our standard service outline is below and additional new melodies you will find here.
Weekday Tefillah
Shabbat Evening Services
Order in Service | Page # | Portion of the Service | Announcements |
4 |
Blessing of the Shabbat Candles |
Welcome, Shabbat Shalom. We (pray together on p. 4 or p. 5) OR open our service with candle lighting, which welcomes Shabbat. Please rise. |
73 | Shalom Aleychem
Melody 1 (traditional)
Melody 2 (alternate) Melody 2 (alternate)
Please turn to page 73. |
75 | Blessing the Children (bottom of the page) | Rabbi or adult – We continue on page 75 at the bottom of the page. [Rabbi usually announces and leads blessing, then invites congregation to greet one another following.] |
10 | Yedid Nefesh | Please turn to page 10. We join in Yedid Nefesh. |
11 |
Lechu N'ran'na – together – Psalm 95 |
We continue with excerpts from the Psalms of Kabbalat Shabbat, which invite us to reflect on the creation of the world, and our own experience of creation during the past week. We begin on p. 11. Please join me. |
12 | Ar’baim Shana – end Psalm 95 | |
13 | Shiru Ladonai – al kol Elohim Psalm 96 | [Continue to p. 13 without an announcement.] |
14 |
Yis'mchu Hashamayim
– end Psalm 96 |
Page 14, at the arrow. |
16 | Or Zarua – Psalm 97 | Page 16, 4 lines from the bottom of the page. |
17–18 | Psalm 98 – English of the Psalm or read one of the pieces in the left margin on p. 17 | We pray Psalm 98 in English (OR join together in the margin ) on p. 17. |
20 |
Romemu Psalm 99 – |
Page 20, at the arrow. |
21 | Psalm 29 Erev Shabbat Melody | [Continue to p. 21 without an announcement.] |
23–25 |
We will sing verses 1, 2, and 5, and then last verse p. 25 |
Shabbat is symbolized as a bride, and we formally great her with Lekha Dodi on p. 23. We will chant the first and the second verse, the 5th verse on page 24 and the last verse on p. 25. As we sing the last verse, we will rise and face the door of the sanctuary to welcome Shabbat as she enters in among us. |
27 |
Tov Lehodot (new version) |
Please be seated. Page 27, Mizmor Shir L’yom Hashabbat, The Psalm of Shabbat. |
28 |
Tzadik Katamar
, at the arrow |
Page 28, at the arrow. |
29 | English of the Psalm or in the left margin (optional) | We pray responsively in English (OR in the margin) on page 29. |
39a |
and Baruch Adonai |
The formal Evening Service begins on Page 39a. Please stand. [Face Ark and bow; Repeat after congregation; Go back to microphone.] |
39a | Choose English in the middle of p. 39a or in the left margin | Please be seated. We pray together in English in the middle of (OR in the margin of) page 39a. |
39a |
U'ma'avir yom
40 |
Ahavat Olam
Page 40. |
41 |
Shema and V'Ahavta
[Chant Ahavat Olam, and continue directly with Shema and V’ahavta on p. 41.] |
41 | Choose English either middle of the page, or top margin p. 41 | We continue in English in the middle (OR in the margin of) p. 41. |
42 |
Vayomer p. 42, the second paragraph. |
43b | Choose English on p. 43b, or left margin. | Page 43b. We pray responsively OR we continue together in the margin. |
44 |
. . . to end of Hebrew this page |
[Continue on next page with end of reading and then chant U’malchuto.] |
45 | Hashkivenu: English in the center of the page | We pray together in English on p. 45 |
45 | At the arrow: U'shmor tzeiteinu...yerushalayim | [Continue with u’shmor in the arrow, no announcement.] |
46 |
Page 46, please rise. |
46 |
Chatzi Kaddish
[Continue with the Chatzi Kaddish – no announcement.] |
47–52 | Amidah (silently) | We continue with the silent SHABBAT AMIDAH. Please remain standing. You may follow the text from pp. 47–52 in Hebrew or in English, and please include the prayers of your own heart. [Face the Ark to read the Amidah to yourself. When done go to page 52] |
52 |
Oseh Shalom (traditional
Oseh Shalom (Friedman Melody)
Oseh Shalom (Nava Tehilah Melody)
Wait for Rabbi's signal, then go to microphone and begin Oseh Shalom. |
Me’eyn Sheva (optional) | ||
54 |
Kaddish Shalem
Page 54, Please remain standing |
55 |
Kiddush over the Wine
Please join me in Kiddush on p. 55. We remain standing. (Rabbimay call up additional children) [Hold Kiddush Cup in right hand; after you finish, drink juice] |
-- | Torah Talk /Sermon | [Go to seat - Rabbi's sermon] |
63 | Count Omer if applicable | Page. 63 |
37. 37. a |
56 67 |
Aleynu, pause at the end of this page |
We continue with Aleinu on p. 56. Please rise. [Face the Ark] |
57 | Read this softly; begin chanting at arrow “Kah-kah-tuv” before ending with V’Ne’emar | [top of p. 57 silently, wait for Rabbi to conclude and then begin Kakatuv...] |
58 | *Mourners’ Kaddish | Adult - Rabbi or adult leads Mourner's Kiddish, p. 58. |
-- | Announcements from Board | |
59 | Psalm 27, if applicable | This is included for the month of Elul through to the end of Sukkot. |
61, 62, or 211 | Closing prayer – Ki Eshmera Shabbat,
or Adon Olam |
We conclude our service with KI ESHMERA HASHABBAT (Page 61) OR Yigdal (Page 62) (Or Adon Olam p. 211) [Ask Rabbi which we are doing that evening.] Shabbat Shalom! |
Shabbat Morning Services
1322# | Page # | Portion of the Service | Announcements |
99 | Modeh ani | Ahabbat shalom. We begin our Shabbat morning service on p. 99, with our prayer for gratitude. |
99 | Elohai Neshama | After Elohai Neshemah, say: We continue quietly with the prayer for our bodies. (Pause, for those who continue the page to themselves, then) |
101 | Mah Tovu | We continue on p. 101, with a prayer for gratitude for our sanctuary. |
102 | Hareini | We continue with the last line on p. 102, as we take upon ourselves each day the mitzvah to love your neighbor as yourself. |
103 | Birchot Hashachar | We continue on the next page with the blessings for everyday miracles. Please rise. |
104 | “Barukh atah Adonai…who acts with kindly love to the people Israel.” | Please be seated. We join together in English in the middle of p. 104. |
104 | U’tnenu ha’yom | |
105–106 | Ashranu mah tov (at the arrow)
Kadesh (at the arrow) |
After u’tenenu, say, “We pray to ourselves on p. 105, and then continue together at the top of p. 106,” allow time for davening and then chant Ashreinu. After Shema and Baruch shem quietly, pause or daven to yourself, and then continue with Kadesh. |
107 | Torah study blessings: Hebrew through La’asok b’divrei Torah, then English “May you make…who gives the Torah.” | Page 106 – We begin in Hebrew at the top of the page, and then continue together in English. |
110 | English, “You shall be holy…drawing them near to the Torah” | We study words of Torah together in English at the top of p. 110. |
112 | Hayom, Yom Shabbat | Page 112. [Begin at the top of the page in Hebrew, pause for people to daven silently, then pick up with Tsaddik Katamar.] (Other Psalms may be added here during Elul or for holidays. |
120 |
Miz’mor shir... hafachta (top line aloud, continue davening and then pick up at the arrow) |
We continue on p. 120. |
121 | *Mourner’s Kaddish | Rabbi usually leads, or Please rise and those who chose may join in Mourner’s Kaddish. |
122 |
Baruch Sheh-Amar, responsively (Hebrew); then paragraph softly, end with Yached Chay… |
We remain standing and continue on p. 122 with Pseukei D’zimra, our Psalms of praise. |
136 | Ashrei—chant responsively (Hebrew) | Please be seated, and turn to p. 136. |
141 |
Psalm 150 Halleluyah Psalm 150 Alternate Melody |
Page 141. |
145 |
Nishmat Kol-Chai, then...Nehallelcha unshebechecha Nishmat Kol Chai Nava tehila Melody |
We continue at the top of p. 145 (chant Nishmat Kol chai…), and then we pray to ourselves in Hebrew or in English through to the end of p. 146. |
146 | Nehallelcha unshebechecha | We pray to ourselves on p. 146. |
147 | Ha-el B’ta’atzoomot | |
147 | Shochein Ad..., Uv’makhalot…mishichecha | |
148 | Yish’tabach…pause briefly to recite middle lines to yourself, , then continue with brachot v’hodaot….el chey ha’olamim | |
148 | *Chatzi Kaddish | Please rise. |
149–150 | *Barechu, Baruch Adonai, Baruch Ata | Turn and face Ark |
151 | El Adon | Page 151. |
153 | Tit’barach tzuranu;
end at L’el Baruch Ne’Imot Yiteinu |
Page 153. |
153 | Or Chadash | |
154 | Ahavah Raba | (Gather your tsistit at V'havieyeinu) |
155 | Shema, Baruch Shem (softly), V’Ahavtah (Torah trope), then English of V’ahavtah | After v’ahavtah in Hebrew, “We pray together in English in the middle of the page.” |
156 | Daven or read English, then Vayomer…emet | We continue quietly in Hebrew or in English for the first paragraph of p. 156. (After Emet, kiss your tsitsit once more and let them go). |
158 | Ram v’nisa | We continue in the middle of p. 158, a few lines above the arrow. |
158 | Mi Chamocha | Rabbi will motion congregation to rise at Kumah |
159–160 | Avot V’imahot, Gevurot | We continue with the Shacharit Amidah. We will join together in the first 3 blessings, starting with the inner column on p. 159, and continuing on through p. 161. If you would like to follow in transliteration, these blessing can be found at the end of your prayerbook on p. 466. We will then continue praying silently in Hebrew or in English from pp. 162-166. Please include the prayers of your own heart. |
161 | *Kedushah | |
162–166 | Continue reading Amidah silently | |
165 | Sim Shalom | Page 165, in the middle of the page. |
165 | Baruch ata Adonai...bashalom | |
316–321 | Hallel Service if a Holiday or Festival | |
167 |
Kadish Shalem
Please remain standing as we continue on p. 167. |
168 | *Torah Service –
We continue with the Torah service on p. 168.
(At vayehi binsoa, announce "Please Rise" and then face the Ark as is is opened). |
169 | Private prayer, p. 169 | We take a moment of personal prayer in front of the Ark. You may choose one of the prayers on p. 169 or offer up the words in your heart. |
170 | Bey Ana Racheitz | Page 170 at the arrow. |
171 | *Shema, Echad, Gadlu | |
171 | *L’cha Adonai. . . (Torah procession) | |
Remarks introducing the Parasha (give gabbai time to pull aliyah cards) | ||
173, 174 |
*TORAH & HAFTARAH READINGS (Mishaberach for holim before hatzi kadesh and Maftir) (Inclusive mishaberach for olim before Haftarah) |
177 | Prayer for our Country (English reading) | We continue on p. 177 with a prayer for our country. |
178 | Prayer for Israel (begin by chanting the first 5 words in Hebrew page 178) | A prayer for the State of Israel, p. 178. |
180 | Announce the New Moon, if appropriate | |
181 | Ashrei | Page 181. |
183 | *Y’hal’lu; Hodo al | Page 183. |
183 | *Miz’mor (carry Torah around and return to Ark) | |
184 |
First paragraph silently, then Ki Lekach Tov (new version) Ki Lekach tov, Etz Chayyim Hi (alternate melody) |
Torah Discussion | ||
184 |
Chatzi Kaddish
We begin our Musaf service on p. 184, please rise. |
185 | Amidah (Avot v’Imahot, Gevurot) | We remain standing and pray the Musaf Amidah. We will join together from pp. 185–187. Transliteration may be found on p. 466. We will then continue silently from pp. 188-192. We pray in Hebrew or in English, and the Rabbis of our tradition teach that this is the time to include our own private prayers. |
187 |
Musaf Kedusha-Erev Shel Shoshanim (alternate melody) |
188–192 | Continue Silent Amidah | |
Oseh Shalom (traditional
Oseh Shalom (Friedman Melody)
Oseh Shalom (Nava Tehilah Melody)
Page 192. |
203 | Kaddish Shalem | Please turn to page 203 |
204 |
Ein Keloheinu (traditional melody) |
Please be seated. We will continue on p. 204. |
63. 63. a |
205 206 |
Aleynu, first paragraph aloud, second paragraph silently, end with “Ka’Ka’tuv” |
Page 205, please rise. |
207 | *Mourner’s Kaddish | Rabbi or adult leads. |
208 | Anim zemirot | Optional. |
66. 67.
Our service concludes with Adon Olam on p. 211….
Shabbat Shalom! |
New Melodies
Elohai Neshama by Shefa Gold Nishmat Kol Chai by Yoel Sykes Psalm 148 Hallelujah by Yoel Sykes Ein Od (Aleinu) Ein Keloheinu Tov Lehodot L'cha Dodi (Using the Ya Ribon Olam Melody) V'shamru Oseh Shalom Aleinu - Ayn Od Musaf Kedusha Havdalah 1 Chanted Havdalah 2 Chanted 4 questions in the Passover Seder
Tue, December 3 2024
2 Kislev 5785
Coming Up
Saturday ,
DecDecember 7 , 2024
Motzei Shabbat, Dec 7th 6:00p to 9:00p
Sunday ,
DecDecember 8 , 2024
Sunday, Dec 8th 11:30a to 12:30p
For those who can read Hebrew, but want to begin to understand prayers, join Marc Levin's intermediate Hebrew class (first year) for building Hebrew vocabulary and learning Hebrew grammar. -
Sunday ,
DecDecember 8 , 2024
Sunday, Dec 8th 12:30p to 2:00p
If you would like to learn to read and pronounce Hebrew, now is the time to start! -
Sunday ,
DecDecember 8 , 2024
Sunday, Dec 8th 12:45p to 2:00p
Sunday ,
DecDecember 15 , 2024
Sunday, Dec 15th 10:00a to 11:00a
In the following event, Combatants for Peace (CFP), an organization of former Israeli soldiers and Palestinian fighters, will share their journey of nonviolence and cooperation toward a shared future.
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Vayetzei
Shabbat, Dec 7 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Dec 6, 3:40pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Dec 7, 4:48pm |
Erev Chanukah
Wednesday, Dec 25 |
Temple Beth Shalom
1322 East 30th Avenue
Spokane, Washington 99203
(509) 747-3304
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