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Midrasha: K-7

TBS Midrasha Vision, Mission and Values

Our Vision   -   TBS Midrasha in partnership with our families and our community will produce students who take pride and joy in their Jewish identity and who can make Jewishly informed decisions on how they will practice Judaism in their lives.

Our Mission   -   TBS Midrasha dedicates itself to embracing change and creating innovative and effective methods in order to provide a quality Jewish education for all students.  We strive to inform and excite our students about Judaism and Jewish life and do so in ways that will, in shared responsibility with our families, create lasting ties to the Jewish community, its faith, traditions, and ethics.

In pursuing our vision and in support of our mission, we are guided by a shared collection of Jewish values:

Jewish Ethical Values   -   Our interactions with each other are informed by Jewish ethical values.

Mitzvot   -   Our relationships with others and with G-d require sacred deeds.

Torah Study   -   Knowledge of the Torah, its themes, and history leads to intellectual and spiritual transformation and the practice of good deeds and Jewish-minded actions.

Hebrew   -   Hebrew is the language of our ancestors, the predominant language of the Jewish People, and provides a commonality to bind us together.

Jewish Worship and Prayer   -   Recitation of prayer is a central characteristic of Jewish worship. Our liturgy provides a framework for our public expression of spirituality.

Israel   -   The land of Israel is our homeland and central to Jewish history, religion, and values.

Conservative Judaism and Jewish Movements   -   We are affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism and understand its relationship to the other branches of Judaism


Registration for the 2024-2025 School Year

We have spent the summer preparing for the upcoming school year, and we are excited welcome you back to school in September.

If your child plans to be part of Midrasha in 2024-2025, we ask that you register them as soon as possible to help us prepare for the upcoming school year.

Please read the Parent Letter for changes and more information regarding the school year.

Please see Register for Midrasha  for Tuition rates, Scholarship information, Madrichim Application and the Parent Handbook.  

Register for Midrasha

Our Teachers-Staffing still being determined.

Sunday School



Gan Rachel

Liat Kriegel

         Keshet - Grade 1

                   Sheryl Fox

Grade 2 - 3

Gabriela Marquis

Grade 4 - 5

Iam Altsholer

Grade 6 - 7

Kelsi Adams


Mary Kay Grossman

Suzanne Rubens


Hebrew School



Kamatz Katan

Grade 2

Jordana Lewis

Kita Alef & Bet

Grade 3 & 4

Iam Altsholer

Kita Gimmel & Dalet

Grade 4 & 5

Iam Altsholer









Sunday School

Sunday school focuses broadly on Jewish values and study, with the goal of teaching students a strong love for Judaism and a sense of pride in being Jewish. Throughout kindergarten to grade 7, students move through a variety of topics, learning about ethics and values, Jewish history, the land of Israel, and liturgy and holidays.

Download Sunday School Goals

Hebrew School

Hebrew school is a complement to Sunday school and begins with learning the letters and words of the Hebrew language, using them as building blocks in learning to read and chant prayers. Through understanding the prayers of the siddur and their place in worship services, students become knowledgeable about and fluent in the rituals of Jewish life. Hebrew school has a structured curriculum for students in grades 2 through 7, with learning goals for each year.

Download HebRew School Goals

A Framework of Excellence School

Framework for Excellence School

Temple Beth Shalom is proud to be recognized as a Framework of Excellence School by the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. This honor reflects our dedication to nurturing students who take pride and joy in their Jewish Identity and make informed decisions about their Jewish practice. Guided by our mission to innovate and provide quality Jewish education, we emphasize Jewish ethical values, mitzvot, Torah study, Hebrew, worship, and connection to Israel. In partnership with families and our community, we foster lasting ties to Jewish faith, traditions, and ethics, inspiring students to lead committed, ethical Jewish lives.


Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785